Monday, January 2, 2012

Finally our little girl is here!

After a long 2 and a half hours, our little girl was finally born at 11:33 pm.  She was born with so much hair and was a perfect 7 lb 10 oz.   As soon as she was born, they laid her on my chest and then took her away to get her all cleaned up.   As they took her away, I could see in my doctor's eyes that something was wrong.  Nothing was wrong with the baby, but instead something was wrong with me.  For some reason my blood would not clot, so I lost a lot of blood after the delivery.  They had to give me two more shots in my leg to try to help the blood clot and then I had to have a blood transfusion to restore the amount of blood in my body.  I really didn't understand what was happening.  All I knew was I now had another IV in my arm and I wasn't able to hold my little one that I worked so hard for.  I kept asking Joe and my mom if she was ok and all they said was she was perfect.

It was so hard for me to not be able to hold her, but while I was getting the blood the nurse suggested that I don't hold her.  I wasn't able to feed her, so she was given a bottle from her Daddy.  She was absolutely perfect with this gorgeous dark hair.  The nursery had even put a bow in her hair because she had so much hair.  I couldn't believe she was finally here.  Our Adelyn perfect!

Today is the day!

Around 3 am on June 3rd I began having some pain.  I didn't think much of it and decided to let Joe keep sleeping and see if they get worse.  Well the pains, now I know were contractions, were getting stronger and my water began leaking.  It wasn't the gush of water I expected so I was still unsure if this was really it.  Were we going to have a baby today?  Around 5:30 am I decided it was time to wake Joe up and let him know that something wasn't quite right.  He wanted to keep sleeping, but he woke up and helped me time my contractions.  We also called my parents to let them know.  Since they were in NJ, they were going to try to get a flight into Houston so they could be there for the delivery. 

At 8 am we left for the hospital.  When we checked in, I was 3 cm dialated and my water had definitely broke.  My blood pressure also shot up because I was so nervous about all the things this day was going to bring.  They got me settled into my room and we tried to relax some.  I wasn't very good at this and my blood pressure continued to be high.  They started me on Magnesium Sulfate which I had to have an IV for.  This was not good for someone who was already terried of needles and emotional.  So I began to cry and work myself up even more.  The sweet nurse sat down with me to try to make me feel better and she started crying too.  She had recently returned from maternity leave, so she totally understood all the emotions that were flooding in.

My parent got to the hospital around 4:30.  Our amazing friend Amanda had picked them up from the hospital and got them there in plenty of time for the delivery.  I got an epidural around 4:00 when I was 5 cm.  I could not image what it would have been like if I had not gotten an epidural.  Any women who can do this naturally is a hero in my eyes.  I felt a lot of pain with an epidural.  I couldn't imagine what it would be like without one. 

As the time continued to pass we knew this was going to be a long evening.  I was able to begin pushing around 9:00 that night.  What a long day.  I had already been awake for 18 hours and I was just now having to start the hardest part.  I was so tired!

The Beginning

In the beginning of October 2010, we found out that we were going to have a little one.  As I took my second pregnancy test that turned out to be positive, I realized that our lives were about to be very different in a good way.  We knew that we wanted to have a child quickly after getting married, but we didn't realize it would happen so fast. 

I had a great pregnancy and was able to continue working until the day before I went into labor.  My blood pressure was always in the average range and the only complication was swollen ankles in the last couple of weeks.  This just meant I had to watch my salt popcorn for me.  Boo!